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“The Call” Arcturian Message Channeled by Suzann Caroll
\r\n\r\nFrom Trish: This channeling so resonated with me. This was sent to us by a dear friend, one who has been in conversation with me for awhile now sharing our wonderment at our feelings about not wanting to “work” so hard anymore, being in an inward space with no ambition to “be someone,” and more or less not being concerned about others’ perceptions of our seeming complacence. This information made such sense to me, I just had to share it with you. Wonder if you are feeling the same? Take heart … you are just immersed in the ascension process!\r\n\r\nMay 13, 2012\r\n http://www.multidimensions.com/\r\n\r\nDear Ascending Ones,\r\n\r\nWe are the Arcturians and wish to speak with you today about your Mission. We will not directly tell you what your Mission is for it is through the process of finding, remembering and fine-tuning your Mission that you will find the Wisdom, Power and Love to live it.\r\n\r\nYour Mission is not a job that you go to and leave at the end of the day. Your Mission is the reason why you chose to take embodiment during this auspicious era of Personal and Planetary Ascension.\r\n\r\nAscension is not a gift or a reward. Ascension is a choice and a responsibility to be the Master of your thoughts and emotions. If you are not the Master of your own energy field, it is quite difficult to step-it-up into the fifth dimension and beyond.\r\n\r\nIt is your energy field, your consciousness, which will ascend, for your earth vessel is just the container that was necessary for you to adhere your life force to the third/fourth dimensional matrix. One of the important moments of your ascension process is when you remember that you are NOT your body. YOU are the consciousness that fills, and now overlaps, your body.\r\n\r\nYour earth vessel is the container for your consciousness, and your aura is the magnetic field that can adhere you to your multidimensional consciousness. Your full multidimensional consciousness does not need a container at all in the eighth through twelfth dimensions, and from the fifth through seventh dimensions, your container is no longer created by third dimensional elements and fourth dimensional elementals. In the fifth dimension, your container is one of light, as light ever flowing can transmit its highest expression of unconditional love.\r\n\r\nDuring your process of ascension, your physical and etheric container is becoming increasingly constrictive. You are like a snake that must shed its old skin or a butterfly that no longer wants to crawl and is ready to fly. You yearn to flow, float and instantly transport yourself to the myriad light-based fifth dimensional realities that are increasingly entering your imagination and dreams. You are unsure of the manner in which you will transport and/or transmute your experience of reality into the reality of your dreams and imagination, but how that will occur is beginning to constantly haunt you.\r\n\r\nYou are being called Home. The Clarion Call has begun, and it grows stronger within every minute of your time. Sometimes this Call fills you with unconditional love and light that shines to colors and a brilliance that you never experienced before the Call entered your Being. Sometimes the Call fills you with calm patience and an inner Knowing that all is well. On the other hand, sometimes the Call fills you with great fatigue and frustration.\r\n\r\nThis fatigue and frustration is because your earthen vessel has become too small, too constrictive. You tire of the dramas that you once called life and yearn for a reality that is of a calmer, gentler pace. Ambition has left you and possession is an archaic term that bound you to a reality of work and acquisition. The only possessions that you treasure are those which you hold within and those which allow you the security of a safe place to more deeply explore your inner journey.\r\n\r\nHence, your home has become your haven from the hurry, scurry of a reality that you can no longer cherish. Your “yard” and all of nature can no longer be a possession for it is a living being that you lovingly tend, visit and protect.\r\n\r\nYour birth family and the family of your adulthood may or may not understand the process that lives forever in your heart and mind, but it does not matter to you. You no longer need outer assurance that you are “doing the right thing,” or “being a good person.” You look inside now to attain that assurance. In fact, now you look inside for everything.\r\n\r\nOnce reality was outside of you, and your inner life was just an illusion, a fantasy or your imagination. Now, you look inside for guidance, truth and comfort. Those who can accept that you are strangely different than before remain in your life, and those who judge, or even fear your transition, are beginning to phase out of your reality.\r\n\r\nYou are moving your consciousness into a frequency of reality that is more important to you than physical recognition, fame, comfort or acceptance. In doing so, you are finding an independence from that which you once knew as “life.”\r\n\r\nAt the same time, you are finding a new definition of “life” that flows into that which you once knew, but expands far beyond the limitation, illusions and barriers that were once a part of your daily reality. Every now and again, fear trickles into your consciousness and you feel it like an anchor that traps you in a sensation of reality that closes your heart and dampens your mind. Fortunately, your connection with your higher frequencies of expressions can reach into your memory and remind you who you REALLY are.\r\n\r\nYes, you are remembering who you are now. As past/parallel 3D realities begin to flood your awareness, the grand significance of “being alive” takes on a new meaning. Death is no longer a fear of extinction, but only an interruption in your present expression of reality.\r\n\r\nAs you feel the great transformation within your self, as well as the promise of consciously creating a new, higher expression of reality, you treasure the life that had once been a burden filled with fear and challenge.\r\n\r\nYou remember now that fear was a choice of your attention and challenge was an initiation that pushed you further along your path of ascension. However, ascension is no longer a “path,” nor is it a “process.” Ascension is your every thought, every emotion and every choice of reaction, response and behavior. Ascension is a constant release of that which has been completed, and a continuous recognition of the reality that YOU are creating. Continue reading
Posted in Inspirational Wisdom
Councils of Light and the Emergence of the Multi-Dimensional New Earth: AA Michael Channeling by Celia Fenn
\r\n\r\nFrom Trish: Please enjoy this amazing channeling by Celia Fenn. Wonderful news for the coming times.\r\n\r\nThe New Earth Energies May 2012 – May 15, 2012\r\n\r\nBeloved Family of Liight, at this time it gives us great Joy to be able to communicate with you again about the shifts and changes that are taking place on your Beautiful and Beloved Earth. Indeed, you are seeing many changes on your Earth, and some seem to be difficult and uncomfortable, but we ask you to know and to celebrate that all is unfolding according to the Divine Plan for the New Earth.\r\n\r\nAs you approach the 2012 Portal of Light and as you align with the Galactic Center, you are being brought fully into the Multi-Dimensional Energies of the New Earth, and the New Structures that will guide the Earth in her next cycle of Evolution are emerging.\r\n\r\nFrom 2013, the Earth will be guided in her journey through Time and Space by two bodies of Awakened and Ascended Beings who will form the “Council of Elders of New Earth” and the “Earth Keeper Council” of New Earth. At this time, the Earth will be fully recognized as the Blue Star, or the Blue Water Star as she truly is, and the partner of the Fire Star Solaris. These changes will bring you to a new perception of your World and your role in the Solar System and the Galaxy.\r\n\r\nSo, at this time, these two new structures, the Council of Elders and the Earth Keeper Council, are in the process of being formed and individuals being trained to assume their new responsibilities as citizens of the Blue Water Star and co-creators with the Light Beings in the Solar and Galactic Councils that are guiding the formation of the Golden Rose Galaxy and her future role in the Cosmic Evolution of Divine Consciousness through Love and Compassion.\r\n\r\nThe Council of Elders\r\n\r\nThis body will be composed of Wise Elders who are invited to join the Council by virtue of their age, wisdom and experience on Planet Earth. These ones will be called by Spirit and will work on the Inner Planes with the Earth Keeper Council and the Higher Councils.\r\n\r\nTheir role and function will be as a board of advisors, and their wisdom and knowledge will be highly regarded. They will be drawn from all the peoples of the Earth, not just the indigenous races, although the indigenous peoples will have more experience in the ways of honoring the wisdom of the Elders.\r\n\r\nBeloved Family of Light, there are many among you who are Elders of the Light, usually beyond the age of 60 years, who have felt the calling to honor yourselves as Elders, as Grandmothers and Grandfathers, and to serve the Earth in this way.\r\n\r\nYou are the ones who will light the way forward with your wisdom and experience and your many years of service to the Earth, her ascension and transformation, and her new path forward. Here in the Higher Realms, we stand ready to work with you and honor your path forward into the New Earth. Continue reading
Posted in Inspirational Wisdom
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Rejoice! A Day for Hope and Celebration!
\r\n\r\nI was born on Easter many years ago and so it has always been a very special celebration for me throughout my life. Raised Catholic, I remember so well the wafting scent of the incense during “high mass” and the jubilation I felt when immersed in the glorious sounds of the choir bursting forth with the joyous Easter songs.\r\n\r\nMy mother was very devout, as I was too in those days, and Easter Sunday brought out the deeply joyous part of her as she played the “Alleluja” at first light of dawn … and then to mass with our clan … all nine of us Regans. This ritual, followed by our boisterous Easter brunch and Mom’s lamb cake (for the Lamb of God, of course) holds fond memories for me.\r\n\r\nMost of all, though, it is the symbolism of this special celebration that has been the driving force in my life throughout my adult years. The resurrection of Christ is such a powerful example of the ETERNAL POSSIBILITY OF ALL THINGS. Some believe in this as fact and some see the bible stories as wonderful stories that teach us about life, but not necessarily true. It doesn’t matter to me, really, for this miracle has impacted my life deeply and has provided me with a belief in HOPE, FAITH and TRUST in the universe that rivals any doubt, fear or hesitation.\r\n\r\nI know so many of you have had difficult childhoods, like me too. What always gave me hope that I could “rise from the ashes” each time I met with a challenge was the remembrance that I was born on the day of eternal hope … the day that shows us that we can all triumph over adversity always and forever. It is possible as ALL IS POSSIBLE! I, and you may have too, have had so many “deaths and resurrections” on my journey through life and each and every time I picked myself up and dusted myself off to forge ahead, I knew that I could come back more wise, more grounded and a bit more joyous.\r\n\r\nI have not written in my blog for some months now and have realized, as I look back over my life, that since I have left fear behind (about a year and half ago) I no longer feel compelled to take action on anything unless it is guided by my soul and in my highest joy! It is almost as though I have tested myself to see if I felt I “had” to write often or “should” write often, as many say is important, OR … could I just do it when I really felt the desire deep in my heart? I love the freedom that fearlessness brings! Continue reading