Update: Recovery in Heaven on Earth


Hot tub on deck and private beach

Sunrise and sparkles from our private beach

From north end of the lake

Fire on the beach with Cal and Deanna

From the ferry at Lake Kootenay












Here we are in “Heaven on Earth” at the amazing and gorgeous Lake Kootenay, Canada as guests of dear friend Jonathan Kay at his wonderful STARLIGHT BEACH HOUSE!  Oh my …. we feel as though we have been dropped into the 6th dimension of pure bliss here in this nurturing and beautiful place.  Doug and I are calling this time in Canada our Second Honeymoon.  Ahhhhhhh.

We are riding the wave and observing the magic appearing as we navigate our life together after jumping once again off the cliff and into the unknown.  The first time was 25 years ago when we came to Hawaii to work with the wild dolphins and whales.

The last two and half months have been the hardest and most challenging of my life beginning with the shock of losing our Hawaii home suddenly and without warning (betrayed by the system).  See my post “Darkness into Light:  Shock into Awe” below.  Then I had two more facial basel cell cancer surgeries in which time for a month I could not exercise or take supplements as usual … and I just was not myself.

It took those two months for me to recover from that first shock and go through the uncertainty of the surgeries.  It was not only my vanity that came forward, but I did not know how deep the wounds would go or if I would look like myself at the end, especially since one was cut into my lip. This concern was not coming from my little girl who was healed by Jesus as he cleared me of the fear, but it loomed over me during the process.  Our children showered us with so much love and support, what a beautiful blessing.  As it turns out, my lip is still numb and a bit swollen but I still look like myself and can handle the scar.

I wanted to continue writing about our adventure here for my family and friends who are concerned about Doug and me as we move forward into the unknown and our new life together since we no longer have our home.  The magic is continuing as suddenly and out of the blue, two new streams of income, plus one we have been watching, are coming into reality for us … we just don’t know exactly when they will appear.  The magic is that we KNOW that all will fall into place perfectly for us. Continue reading

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Navigating This Time of Extreme Polarity

Golden Triangle

Holding the Light







A Message from Jesus/Sananda
Channeled by Trish Regan July 14, 2019

Many of us are falling into the Old Matrix energy of widening polarity that is evident each day as we move through this highly intense time on the planet.  We Light Bearers are trying so hard to bravely and steadfastly hold the Light and keep our hearts open as we carry the torch of Oneness …. and we sometimes feel bombarded by more and more negativity and more and more polarity.  It can be challenging.

Jesus/Sananda came to us the other day and had such a clear and inspiring message about how we can truly navigate these changes, the polarity and negativity with grace and mastery, I just had to share it with you.  We all have our divine missions and for some, being activists is the guidance and for others, our mission is to hold the Light.  See if this resonates with you.  Please see below.

I also wish to share with you, in our opinion, one of Matt Kahn’s best talks for these times entitled, “Choosing to Be Here.”  His message aligns perfectly with Jesus’ words of wisdom.  Thank you dear friend, Diane Harmony, for sending this.  Please enjoy:  Click here for Matt Kahn’s Message 

Jesus Channeling July 2019

Beloveds, it is my joy and pleasure to be here with you today to oversee what you are facing in these months of transition. Know that all of your guides are closely monitoring your activities and your choices and we are holding you in the highest love as we honor your path of truth and righteousness (right-ness) and all of your desires you have in your heart to help make the world a better place. Remember that this is why you have come here, it is your mission, so to speak, to carry the Light, to hold the Light and to shine the Light in all ways that you can do so. Continue reading

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Darkness into Light: Shock into Awe

Christmas Party

Mr. and Mrs. Christmas

Our Hawaii home/sanctuary

I will never forgot that fateful day a month ago, June 8, 2019, when we were shocked beyond belief and I was forced to face my greatest and hardest challenge of my life and the deepest fears that uncovered my hidden, scared little child within … I will tell you the story below AND how this experience catalyzed the most powerful and profound inner child healing I have ever received.

We are now creating a new life book: Book Two, Chapter one, Page one. In “Book One” twenty five years ago my husband, Doug, and I “jumped off the cliff” and dove into a completely new life as we sold everything and moved to Hawaii to work with the wild dolphins and whales.

It was a true spiritual calling catalyzed by a “lightening bolt of White Light” that went through me with the loud and express words …”Go do this work!” Many of you know this story so I won’t go into it all now …. just to know that we followed our guidance to completely change our lives and follow Spirit. Yes, it took so much courage and thrust us into completely surrendering to our souls and trusting the universe that we would be taken care of having left our professions to begin a whole new life in Hawaii.

The dolphins and whales helped so much to quell my fears from childhood from living in a loving but dysfunctional family … fears that I would not be taken care of due to my father’s alcoholism and my mother’s emotional challenges and a family of seven children and the challenge of financial security for this big family.

I had been through so many years of therapy and spiritual healing to heal that little three year old child within, and our work with the dolphins and whales put me into a space of no fear for many years, especially the last five years or so. I thought I was completely healed! And this recent experience tapped into the depths of my little girl’s emotional body hidden within my second chakra. I will tell you what happened. Continue reading

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