Metatron Channel: The Sacred Cetacean – Re-emergence of the Golden Dolphin Energy

This is amazing channeled information from Archangel Metatron channeled by James Tyberonn.  Join us and the dolphins for our special 11-11-11 Dolphin\Spirit Retreat November 6-12, 2011.\r\\r\n\r\nArchangel Metatron Channel via James Tyberonn \r\nThe Sacred Cetacean – Re-Emergence of the Golden Dolphin Energy\r\n\r\nMasters,  the Dolphin & Whale are incredible Beings that bring tremendous Crystalline Light to the Planet\r\n.\r\nThese Cetaceans are highly evolved intelligent beings from Sirius B who are on the Earth to assist mankind in exquisite ways and resonance well beyond your current knowledge and imagination. These beautiful beings perform myriad roles, among the most important of which is anchoring the Light of the ocean waters that cover over two thirds of your planet.\r\n\r\nThey interact directly with both the living essence of Planet Earth and the overlight mass consciousness of humanity.  The consciousness of the Sacred Cetacean has an ancient and timeless lineage. They are here re-emerging in the past  five decades s to carry an essential phi-crystalline frequency that is specifically designed to up-shift energies,and transform harmonics in order to allow requisite dimensional expansion of the polarity earth into the Crystalline Field of Zero-Point  Omni-Earth.\r\n\r\nThe Cetaceans were on the Earth before humanity, before duality. So it can be taken quite  literally when we tell you that the Golden Dolphins are both returning, yet paradoxically  have also  been waiting for you. Their essence is above time, above space.\r\n\r\nWhether humanity recognizes en masse or not, the Golden Dolphin is within you. And on a subconscious level, they call to mankind to awaken the Inner Divinity of the True Self. They speak to humanity of joy, and the innate freedom and spirit of Unconditional Love. The Golden Dolphin are returning, the Golden Dolphin is YOU…and their time is NOW!\r\n\r\nThe Sacred Waters\r\nIt is logical to reason that as the oceans cover the vast majority of your planet, that there are incredible power-nodes, vortexes and portals within the oceans. The Cetaceans not only maintain these, but influence and amplify these important energies. As Sirius-B is an oceanic aqueous planet , these Master Cetacean Beings are highly qualified in accepting their mission to facilitate maintenance of this portion, this vast area of the earth.\r\n\r\nThe whales and dolphins are not alone in their benevolent mission in your waters. The sea turtles, seals and indeed the living mineralogical energies of the conscious coral reefs play important succinct roles. These are all incredibly vital and positive energies. Yet it is the dolphin and whale that are of the primary carriers of the vibrations needed to assist in the Ascension of the Earth.\r\n\r\nDear Human, it is time to be aware of who these Beings are, and to stop the ignorant genocide  of these benevolent Master Beings who are here to assist  you. The annihilation of whales and dolphins is still taking place within countries that must now awaken. Even in North America, indigenous tribes are sadly allowed to take the lives of whales as an archaic  traditional ‘rite’.\r\n\r\nIn some areas the pseudo justification & argument persists that these divinely intelligent Beings are needed food sources. Dear Ones,  we tell you that neither whales, nor dolphins have ever agreed to serve as food sources for humanity. These Beings contain the same soul and energy as humanity, albeit in a different physical matrix. They have the same thoughts and awareness that you do. Their mission is far too important for their destruction to continue to be allowed. They were never meant to be a source of food for humanity, and it is time to acknowledge that truth. There are other agreements in place with certain species of plants, animals and fish that are here to serve that need, even within remote regions.\r\n\r\nMasters, would it surprise you to know that many of you coexist as Cetaceans. For the spirit, the soul within these Beings is of Divine Intelligence, and part of your soul group. Many of you have in the past and present eras existed in multidimensionality as dolphins. Millions of you humans are aware of this great, unspoken Truth.\r\n\r\nThere are Avatar level dolphins and avatar whales on Sirius B. There are Ascended Masters in human form who have entered the Earthplane as mergence-meld  ‘walk-ins’, ( such as Anaya-Ra ). These are a Masters of of the Golden Dolphin essence, and are here to channel their message. The clarion sounds…hear the call !\r\n\r\nThe Golden Dolphins\r\nThe avatar dolphins are known as the ‘Golden Dolphins’ .  These golden  dolphins emit an enormous auric field of pure golden crystalline light a representing the beacon of pure Unconditional Love.\r\nThe energy of the  Golden  Dolphins originally came to earth to embed their codes  before the planet fully transitioned into complete polar duality. They are truly Crystalline in nature and are exuding the OMM-Wave resonance of Unconditional Love.  As such their essence is now returning to play an important role in the Ascending Transition of both the Earth and of humanity. Accordingly the Cetaceans are involved in the recoding of the Crystalline Sun Discs and of coding the 144-Crystalline Grid. They swim in etheric pods over the Sun Discs and Crystalline Vortexes to recode the planet.\r\n\r\nThe Golden Dolphins  are among the Sirians, Pleiadeans and Arcturians  who encourage you to use crystals to connect to the Crystalline Grid that is finalizing on  your planet so that mankind  can sustain higher frequencies to  aid  in your 12-strand  DNA coding.\r\n\r\nTheir sublime energies are  empyrean , ethereal  and physical. They are members of both the Sirian-Pleiadean Alliance, and of what may be termed the Niburian Council. The latter of which is closely involved in the provision of  genetic engineering up shift  of the DNA codes for planets and planetary races who are prepared  to graduate into the next level in their ascending evolution. Their work in this regard involves an association with the Sirian-A consciousness of the Sacred Felidae. The Felidae or Feline are also part of the Sirian Alliance and Niburian Council.\r\n\r\nThese are Beings that are of Divine Intelligence and have entered the Earthplane since ancient times in specific roles and formats. The versions currently in physical form on the Earth-Plane are in what may be termed the cat family, and are but a portion of the consciousness of their Sirian nature. That is because the Feline operate vastly in the ethereal or stealth antimatter realm. Their full consciousness existed and manifested  in LeMurian,  Atlantean and early Egyptian eras.\r\nThe Masters of the Sacred Felidae were involved in the genetic engineering in the Temple of Purification (on Poseida)  in Atlantis during the Golden Age of the Law of One. This was done in a very  positive and  benevolent manner, prior to such technology being tragically misused by the Aryan Sons of Belial in the sad demise of the final era of Atlantis.\r\nThe Felidae of Sirius A and  Cetacean Sirian-B  Masters are skilled at integrating spirit into physical matter. This in not only  giving life-force  to a physical form, but also in integrating higher chakric  levels of consciousness within the  physical matrix in  Mer-Ka-Na level multidimensionality.\r\n\r\nThis ability to work with humanity  in energetic terms involves activating  higher chakras and higher crysto-light bodies. This higher level of consciousness is the Crystos Consciousness, and the Cetaceans are Crystalline Masters. Their renewed role on the earth includes assisting the shift from magnetic polarity grid  to the Crystalline Grid.\r\nQuestion to Metatron: So are the Beings from Sirius B primarily aquatic, and the Beings from Sirius A Feline ?\r\n\r\nMetatron Response:  The habited realm circulating Sirius B is primarily aquatic and the Cetaceans, the Dolphin and Whale are aquatic. Yet also of a high enough consciousness to manifest form that can equally habituate within both aqueous realms and what would be termed land.\r\nThe life forms , of the sister star, Sirius A are different expressions than the Cetaceans. Sirius A enlivens  Humanoid Life (Starseed) ), as well as  the Sacred Felidae and Canidae. These are all Beings of Divine Intelligence, that all have varied expressions supporting the  Earthplane .\r\nThese all interact with  your planet on many levels in myriad forms.\r\nThe Sirius- B Cetaceans have the ability and choice to either  incarnate on Earth directly into the human species or as dolphin and whales. These  beings may also chose to exist  in ethereal forms on your world.\r\nThe Cetacean dolphin are in fact individual souls incarnating into the physical realm . They exude a joyous energy and although individually occupy the dolphin body, they are also naturally capable of forming an incredibly unified plural energy, a massive group field within pods that project enormous pristine energy waves of crysto-golden light. The scope of these fields and projected energy pulses is far reaching. When pods move in unison, they are generating extremely beneficial energies to the earth and humanity. The dolphin field is in direct resonance with other dimensions including the realm of the Sirian-Pleiadean Alliance.\r\nWhen these dolphins jump and spin, they are forming joyous vortexes of energy, and that energy is generated by the group, the collective of the entire pod. Its effect balances and up shifts the earth. Such pods attune the energy of powernodes and in effect form mobile ones , placed in areas that need adjustment.\r\n\r\nThe  consciousness within dolphins and whales are of the same source.\r\nWhales, it may surprise you to learn, are usually physically occupied by teams of Cetacean, Sirian-B entities. In a manner of speaking then you can say that the larger whales, such as the humpbacks and blue whales are akin to bio-ships, sometimes occupied by a mass grouping of up to 100 entities merged into a unified group consciousness. The energy exuded by these whales is akin to a massive mobile vortex -portal. They become capacitors of divine electro-crystalline energies that anchor the earth to higher realms. When their joy is expressed in breaching, the exquisite OMM-Wave of that energy is capable of traveling for hundreds of miles.\r\nFor more information and the continuation of this channeling please see\r\n\r\n\r\n

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