Riding the Wave

Trish at Volcano

Well, here we are at another year since I have written in my blog here.  2023 was a very difficult year for me and still, through it all, in my foundation, I am intrinsically happy, for which I am so very grateful.  These last years of going in and being in the quiet have brought me through so many levels of being to uncover remnants of past traumas that had to be seen, felt, loved and transmuted.

Even though I had gone through many years of therapy, energy work and healing work before we began to work with dolphins and whales … and have had the amazing opportunity of allowing the cetaceans to help me heal … I discovered, in the quiet, several aspects that still needed to be unearthed to be healed.  It feels like my soul unfolded for me these perfect years of quiet so that I could allow it all to come forth.

Reaching the milestone last month of being on this planet for 80 years, I cannot believe I am here at this age already!  Where have the years gone?  I do not feel my age at all and feel healthy and vibrant beyond even the last ten years of my life!  I am so happy that I feel so good inside and out!  I just know that my dedication to my inner work has contributed to this and am just so grateful for the knowledge about how to really heal on all levels.

Last year began with news of my dear son, Sean, and his cancer battle.  He was diagnosed with a rare form of pancreatic cancer that is very slow-moving that he may have had for many, many years before being discovered.  Thank God it was not the more aggressive kind!  As a mother, of course, this was deeply disturbing and brought me to my knees, as you can imagine.

I was gratefully able to be with him while during surgery and afterward for two more weeks.  Thankfully, the surgery was successful and they removed a lot of the cancer (he is very healthy now and monitoring it all).  While there, in the first week, when he was still in the hospital, I just could not sleep!  By the time he was to come home the following day after a week in the hospital, I was so weak from no sleep, my body was able to remember a traumatic event from my childhood, once again, and I had the opportunity to feel it and release it.  I just know that the universe conspired to have this happen so that I could keep clearing my body of hidden emotions held deep within.  I know how to do it and afterward, I felt I had cleared and cleaned more of my body which always helps me to feel younger every time I do so!

I am a firm believer that those traumas we store in our cells lead to disease and aging and more often than not, we are not aware of them until a life experience brings them forth. Though I have done so much inner work to be clear within my physical body and emotional body, I am not sure we are ever done really …  so I feel that I am “riding the wave” of life rooted in my spirituality that helps me to see the big picture and embrace it all, even the pain.

Johanna Regan

The other huge challenge last year was the passing of my dear sister, Johanna (a twin),  She was ten years younger than me so I truly was like her “other mother” and did much to raise her … since the twins were the last of seven children in our family.  For the last six months of the year I oversaw all the caregivers and other details that were necessary to help her to stay home and not be sent to a facility.

My sister was a health purist and in so much pain and did not want to take any drugs other than Tylenol, which is not that effective with metastatic bone cancer that had spread from breast cancer.  She was a trooper and we wanted to support her choice of how to move through the cancer journey.  I was able to be there for three weeks in all, and the last two weeks at the end.  Of course, it was completely exhausting and emotionally challenging, but I would have not done it any other way.  Her cancer journey taught me much about deep love and what it takes to express that love in the way that the receiver wishes.  I miss her so much.

Throughout the year, we sold off most of our valuables (large crystals and things) so that we could forge ahead toward abundance,  free and clear of the past.  That was easy and showed me that I am not attached so much to material things.  I find the value in life now to be relationship … my loving husband, family, good friends, inner peace and a deeper connection to my soul.  This I treasure.

Throughout the year, in my quiet moments in the hot tub, I learned so many things about my spiritual path and the way our souls journey through life on planet earth.  I kept going into my “deepest heart of love” wherein I see myself sitting in the lotus position in a small warm cave with my Higher Mind overlighting the space.

I learned one thing that helps me to get clear guidance from my Higher Self that I wish to share with you.  If I have a question that can be answered by a yes or no, here is what I do. When I see myself sitting in my heart of love, I see that I am sitting inside a large flower surrounding me with petals that are facing straight up.  If the answer to my question is a “yes” I see the flower open and splay outward.  If the answer is a “no” I see the flower converge inward toward me.  It is such a simple way to allow my inner self to relay the answer that comes from my soul.  This makes things so easy, and I always follow my guidance.

I also have been fascinated about “seeing” what God (or Source, Consciousness, All That Is … whatever you wish to call it) really is.  Since I am visual (I see with my inner eye) I see God as the void,  encompassed by a sphere of Light.  It is hard to explain.  Within the void is nothingness AND potential …  all in One.  I see the point where the Light begins as the Event Horizon where the potential becomes reality and God extends itself out into existence.  One fascinating Truth that came to me in these moments of clarity is this …. I heard in my heart … “Everything is True.”  Just ponder that for a moment … I am still doing so and don’t completely understand this.  Another wonderful thing to peruse.

Of course, nobody can truly describe God and I don’t intend to say I can either, but this vision helps me to navigate reality in some way I don’t completely understand.  I guess I feel, when I go there, that within the void is not only the potential of all of creation but also perhaps all of my own dreams to be manifest too?  I am working with that concept.

Another thing I am learning is that I cannot fully embody my Higher Self (“Radiance’) until I am fully present in my body.  As you may know, when we experience traumas from our childhood, many of us are existing “out of our bodies” much of the time.  We disassociate from reality to protect ourselves and I see it as living in hypervigilance.

Of course, I have been “working” on letting go of that for many years, and the dolphins and whales helped me tremendously.  Now I am much better and can detect when I go into that space and can move out of it with consciousness.

Having the time to allow my Spirit to inform me of where I have needed to release the past is the greatest gift of these years of quiet.  Now, in 2024, I am ready to “come back out” and share what I have learned.  it is exciting and you can find my new offerings in the “Products and Services” link above.  All in all I am so grateful for this precious time.  Thank you for listening!

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